City of Charlottetown Innovative Public Transit System

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Transportation
Project value$75,000
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Public Transit
Grant amount$37,500
Program type GMF
Municipality City of Charlottetown, PE
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 38,809
Project timeline 2002 - 2008
Project number 684


The City of Charlottetown is the only capital city in the country without a public transportation system. Given itsdisproportionate number of seniors and aging baby boomers, pressure is rising to install such a system. The city isconcerned that providing a public transit system will impose an impractical financial burden and will negatively affect analready stressed environment. This feasibility study will explore cost–effective and environmentally sympathetic publictransit systems. Among the options the study will consider is using the existing taxi system. The study will also identifyother organizations with which the city could form a partnership to deliver the service.


City of Charlottetown, PE