Developing a Community Energy Plan for Loyalist Township

Type of initiative
Sector Energy
Project value$80,000
Project Type Plan
Grant amount$64,000
Program type MCIP
Municipality ,
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 0
Project timeline 2019 - 2021
Project number 15785


Loyalist Township (with a population of 16,971) will be developing a Community Energy Plan (CEP) to reduce both corporate and community greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions within the Township, while at the same time promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy to township residents and businesses. Loyalist Township joined FCM’s Partners for Climate Protection Program (PCP) in 2017, and the CEP will be developed using the PCP methodology to achieve milestones 1-3 for both community and corporate emissions. The CEP will establish a baseline GHG emissions inventory, set emissions reduction targets, and outline actions to reduce GHG emissions for municipal operations and the community. The corporate inventory will include administration and governance, water and wastewater treatment, waste collection, road maintenance, recreation services, and fire protection. Emissions generated by the community will included residential energy and fuel consumption, transportation, and solid waste generation. The GHG reduction targets will be set once the inventory is completed using a bottom-up approach, and will likely be between 15-30% for corporate emissions and 10-35% for community emissions from an existing baseline. The engagement of corporate and community stakeholders will be crucial in the developing ambitious yet achievable reduction targets for the Township. Corporate targets will be developed in consultation with each of the Township's departments, and members of the Advisory Committee will be responsible for collecting feedback from their respective departments. Community targets will be developed through extensive consultation with Township residents, local businesses, and community organizations. A communications task force made up of members of the Advisory Committee will be responsible for establishing appropriate communication platforms to engage the community. This will include, but will not be limited to, developing a website for the project, hosting public information sessions and meetings, or developing surveys which will be issued within the community.Overall, the proposed project will contribute to Loyalist Township’s triple bottom line by providing a framework to achieve corporate and community sustainability. In addition to the reduction in operational costs associated with more efficient corporate processes, economic benefits could also be realized through the attraction of new business to the Township. From an environmental standpoint, the implementation of a CEP would lead to a reduction in GHG emissions. Additional benefits will also be realized through the undertaking of environmentally sustainable projects, made possible by the economic benefits associated with this plan. Finally, the social benefits will stem from an increase in community education and engagement in promoting sustainable practices within the Township. Initiatives such as increased bike and pedestrian pathways will benefit public health, while projects such converting streetlights to LED fixtures will improve visibility and subsequently increase public safety.
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