The Clare Energy Concept

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Energy
Project value$200,000
Project Type Plan
Sub Sector Energy Management – PCP Plan
Grant amount$75,000
Program type GMF
Municipality Municipality of the District of Clare, NS
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 7,678
Project timeline 2006 - 2011
Project number 9032


To achieve its goal of becoming energy self-sufficient, the Municipality of Clare will develop a community energy plan by combining the investigation of renewable resources available in the region with demand-side management planning. A component of the project is the completion of Milestones 1-3 of FCM’s Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) program including conducting an energy inventory, setting energy reduction targets and developing a local action plan. The Municipality established the Clare Energy Concept Steering Committee - composed of representatives from the Municipality, local industry, the provincial government, and the local university - to move the initiative forward. It is estimated that over a five year period, efficient use of energy and energy conservation practices can lower the energy consumption of the overall community (including industrial, commercial and residential sectors) by 15 per cent, equalling an annual decrease in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by approximately 28,600 tonnes per year. If the study results in the installation of a district energy system and other renewable energy technologies, the community could expect a further reduction of GHG emissions by 25 per cent or 47,700 tonnes per year.


Municipality of the District of Clare, NS