Évaluation des risques encourus en raison des aléas du changement climatique dans le contexte de la municipalité de L'Islet

Type of initiative
Sector Climate Change Adaptation
Project value$36,600
Project Type Plan
Grant amount$26,200
Program type MCIP
Municipality ,
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 0
Project timeline 2018 - 2019
Project number 15765


Climate change has been on the radar of the municipality of L’Islet’s elected officials for several years. To best follow up on the 2012 inventory of municipal GHG emissions and create a dynamic, attractive, and resilient economic sector, the municipality of L’Islet aims to create social and economic environments adapted to the impacts of climate change. Protecting the natural environment and biodiversity in the face of new threats is essential to maintaining a sense of community among citizens and to develop the tourism sector. Ultimately, the municipality of L’Islet wants to become a model of success for the Chaudière-Appalaches administrative region. To do so, it wants to understand the climate change risks it will face in the short and medium term. The potential impacts on the services offered as well as on the built and natural environments will be prioritized to create an adaptation plan, manage the municipality’s continued economic growth, particularly in the agricultural and tourism sectors through the protection of its wildlife and floral assets, and guarantee that the best efforts are made to maintain the health and safety of all citizens of the municipality. The elected officials hope that this assessment will be a tool that helps retain and attract families to the municipality. The municipality uses the services of climate change adaptation experts to conduct these studies. This process is in addition to the municipality’s GHG emissions inventory and sustainable development initiatives and is in line with the ongoing development of its sustainable development policy and the RCM’s economic and social development components.
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