Manitoba Capital Region Waste Management Rationalization Feasibility Study

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Waste
Project value$220,000
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Waste Management
Grant amount$110,000
Program type GMF
Municipality City of Winnipeg, MB
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 749,607
Project timeline 2016 - 2018
Project number 15133


The Partnership of the Manitoba Capital Region (PMCR) will assess options to manage waste and increase its overall diversion rate to a minimum of 60% within a five year time frame. The Manitoba Capital Region (MCR) covers nearly 8,000 km2 and has membership of 17 municipalities including the City of Winnipeg, and is significant as Manitoba's social and economic hub. The study will be conducted within the context of a now completed Manitoba Capital Region (MCR) transportation plan and soon to be completed Regional Growth Strategy. The PMCR has identified as part of the Regional Growth Strategy the need for the development of a regional approach to sustainably managing waste in the growing region that can reduce the regional waste stream to the greatest extent possible. In the PMCR's Regional Waste Plan framework document a goal was set to incorporate innovative strategies and leading best practice into the Regional Growth Strategy toward a target of zero waste over the next 25 year time frame of the plan. This study will therefore conduct a thorough examination and evaluation to ensure the most effective and beneficial practices to achieve their goals are being initiated across the MCR. The feasibility study will consist of three phases. Phase one involves gathering data such as identifying all aspects of waste management from collection of solid waste, current diversion rates and strategies, construction, demolition and renovation waste as well as organics and recycling. It also involves gathering data on programming, servicing and practices across the region related to governance, operations and management. Phase two is designed to develop and evaluate options for managing waste that can increase diversion rates from the current levels. This phase will examine projected population increases, density, and transportation requirements and capacity to achieve the targets. This part of the feasibility study will study a wide range of waste management components within the MCR. Social, environmental, and economic impacts of projects such as improvements to existing waste management and recycling facilities, enhanced recovery of greenhouse gases, a reduction in transportation costs, and market integration of recyclables, including construction and demolition waste will be examined. Phase three will focus on the potential implementation of innovative strategies to meet the targets. It will develop clear objectives and a detailed action plan to achieve a 60% diversion rate or greater. A cross-sectoral steering committee comprised of representatives from PMCR member municipalities, Manitoba Indigenous and Municipal Affairs, Winnipeg Economic Development, Manitoba Green Building Program, the University of Manitoba, Multi Material Stewardship Manitoba as well as Sustainable Development Manitoba will contribute to the feasibility study. Final study recommendations will be based on analysis of outcomes, survey results, anticipated public and personal cost savings, and estimated reductions in risk and greenhouse gas emissions. (Project description from original funding application)


Winnipeg Metropolitan Region, MB

Download the project's final report
