Etude de faisabilite pour l'implantation d'une collecte des residus compostables

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Waste
Project value$43,560
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Composting
Grant amount$21,780
Program type GMF
Municipality Ville de Sherbrooke, QC
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 172,950
Project timeline 2004 - 2011
Project number 1719


This feasibility study will determine the costs, structures and technology required for the city to set up a compostingwaste collection service. The study will also gauge whether residents would support and participate in the service. Thecity estimates that it could divert about 14,000 tonnes of residential and industrial and institutional waste from landfill if those wastes were composted. The compost produced would be used by the municipality, distributed to residents or soldon the open market.*** Report is available in French only.


Ville de Sherbrooke, QC