Construction of a Net-Zero Energy Waterfront Site and Visitor Centre on Parcours Gouin in Montréal

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Capital Project
Sector Energy
Project value$4,419,000
Project Type Capital Project
Sub Sector Building – New – with Renewable energy
Grant amount$321,380
Program type GMF
Municipality Ville de Montréal - Arrondissement d'Ahuntsic-Cartierville, QC
Loan amount$3,213,800
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 126,891
Project timeline 2015 - 2023
Project number 13122


The Borough of Ahuntsic-Cartierville, Montréal, will build a net-zero energy visitor centre on Parcours Gouin and develop a park along the Rivière des Prairies. The visitor centre pavilion will include an environmental interpretation site and an urban forestry project integrating the activities of Parcours Gouin. Ahuntsic-Cartierville was mainly inspired by the ecological construction approach Living Building Challenge 2.1 and the principles of Passivhaus (passive solar construction). The proposed building should consume as little as 104 GJ of electricity per year, a reduction of 77.5% compared to a reference building. This is possible due to several energy efficiency measures, including an innovative concept of urban geothermal heat pump. The project includes a series of environmental measures, in particular wind turbines and thermal solar panels for heating domestic water (112 GJ/year and 17 GJ/year respectively), low water use appliances and recovery of rainwater (water use reduction of 83.7% or nearly 1,123 m3 per year), shoreline restoration and planting of native plants, a green roof, a filtering marsh, permeable pavement, the use of natural, local and sustainable products including Québec-sourced FSC-certified wood, and consideration of the life cycle of products and assemblies. This integrated project will serve as an environmental showcase for the general public, educational institutions and community and nature groups and will feature green technologies that can be appropriated by the population. (Project description from original funding application)


Ville de Montréal - Arrondissement d'Ahuntsic-Cartierville, QC