Sustainable, Active Mobility Central to Reconstruction of Downtown Lac-Mégantic

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Transportation
Project value$7,429,600
Project Type Pilot Project
Sub Sector Active Transportation
Grant amount$350,000
Program type GMF
Municipality Ville de Lac-Mégantic, QC
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 5,747
Project timeline 2016 - 2018
Project number 15099


The Town of Lac-Mégantic wants to rebuild its downtown to be sustainable and promote active transportation. Part of this reconstruction therefore involves creating links for pedestrians and cyclists to use. A pilot project will show whether the development of active transportation infrastructure will have a real short-term and medium-term impact on modal shift. If changes are observed, recommendations from the pilot project will serve as a basis for preparing plans and specifications for rebuilding streets, as provided in the five-year plan. The process that led to this development plan was largely supported by public consultations and is part of the “reinvent the town” urban plan. Reconfiguration of Frontenac Street in the downtown area will replace most of the parking spots with bicycle paths and sidewalks. Also, a shared corridor for pedestrians and cyclists will be built perpendicular to Frontenac Street to facilitate and encourage active mobility between Promenade Papineau and Parc des Vétérans by the lake. The street and the pedestrian/cyclist corridor will improve the downtown’s surface permeability and diversify access. The pilot project will use surveys, questionnaires, and metering to measure GHG reduction, modal shift, and the increase in kilometres travelled on foot or by bicycle instead of in cars. Analysis of data from winter 2017 to fall 2018 will give the town a better understanding the breakdown and number of trips using active transportation, the changes in users’ travel habits, and improvements to incorporate into the design of future structures. Monitoring surveys and an awareness program will be organized by Accès Transports Viables, a non-profit organization with sustainable mobility expertise. Based on regional studies and local expertise, Lac-Mégantic estimates that the number of people who travel in ways other than by car will increase by 3%, thereby potentially avoiding up to 68,600 single-occupant-car kilometres per year. Lac-Mégantic hopes to achieve a 1.3% reduction in GHG emissions, or 1,089 tonnes of CO2 eq. Planted ditches will also reduce heat islands, and a stormwater retention pond will help manage runoff. Integrated management of available parking that allows cooperative use of spaces and development of a better regulatory strategy is a not widespread practice in Quebec where an overabundance in the number of available parking spots is often found in new development projects. Lac-Mégantic wants to be a model for projects in which a major disaster obliged the authorities to rebuild their community. (Project description from original funding application)


Ville de Lac-Mégantic, QC

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