Midland Bay Landing

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Brownfield
Project value$272,600
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Site assessments and remedial action plans
Grant amount$136,100
Program type GMF
Municipality Town of Midland, ON
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 17,817
Project timeline 2018 - 2023
Project number 15363


The Town of Midland will conduct a detailed site inspection and develop a risk assessment study for a newly purchased 14.6 hectare former commercial waterfront property. A previous Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) revealed soil and shoreline sediment contamination stemming from the site’s prior use as an Aggregate Refinery. By developing a strong remediation plan, the Town hopes to achieve a mixed-use urban district along the 1,100 metre waterfront that not only provides attractive living accommodations and business opportunities, but also connects the waterfront to the adjacent downtown core. By conducting a gap-analysis, the Town will be able to build on previous work with the completion of updated Phase I and II ESAs to further delineate the locations and concentrations of a wide range of previously identified contaminants, such as petroleum hydrocarbons and lead. The subsequent risk assessment may lead to additional economic and environmental benefits through in-situ remediation techniques that would divert waste from landfill and reduce GHG emissions associated with soil transportation. The Project will also provide information to support the monitoring, maintenance, and clean-up of Midland Bay. The Town of Midland’s Waterfront Master Plan (2013) was created through extensive public consultation to address this property specifically; its objectives and redevelopment vision fully support the proposed activities of this initiative. The project is further supported locally and regionally by the Town’s Official Plan (2017) and the Severn Sound Sustainability Plan which share common goals including; protecting, restoring and enhancing natural heritage, protecting surface and groundwater from contaminants, increased tourism, combating urban sprawl, and reducing the number of contaminated sites in the watershed. This project is a first for the Town and will be a major step in its goals to becoming a more environmentally sustainable urban centre and diversifying its typically rigid land development practices. The Town’s Waterfront Master Plan in particular will provide excellent knowledge value for other Georgian Bay municipalities looking for solutions with traditionally industrial waterfront properties. (Project description from original funding application)


Town of Midland, ON