Development of an Integrated Sustainability Action Plan in Ascot Corner

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Multi-sector (Plans)
Project value$45,800
Project Type Plan
Sub Sector Sustainable Neighbourhoods
Grant amount$22,900
Program type GMF
Municipality Municipalité d'Ascot Corner, QC
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 3,368
Project timeline 2016 - 2017
Project number 15101


The municipality of Ascot Corner is experiencing significant pressure as a result of strong population growth, a poorly integrated intersection, a lack of a public transit system, and inadequate sanitation infrastructure. With a view to redefining the future of the municipality and embrace its village-like atmosphere, Ascot Corner wants to permanently integrate the principles of sustainability into its decision and operational processes in the form of an integrated sustainability action plan. The municipality’s strategic directions promoted in the 2030 vision include developing a strong quality of life, stimulating the municipality’s economic vitality, promoting accessible infrastructure and focussing on education, health and exemplary civic participation. For each strategic direction, the municipality will identify energy, transportation, residual materials, water and planning objectives and actions in keeping with available human, financial, material and technical resources. Each individual action will be assessed on the basis of economic, environmental, social and sound governance factors. Information will be disclosed and issues analyzed in compliance with the materiality criteria set out in the Global Reporting Initiative through identification, prioritization, evaluation, representation and validation. A steering committee consisting of municipal councillors, municipal employees and citizens will be accountable to the Municipal Council and residents throughout the plan development process. The steering committee will be supported by an advisory committee made up of mostly residents. Thematic committees will be formed with industry experts to enhance the analysis of the situation specifically with respect to environmental, health, education, public safety and citizen consultation issues. Ascot Corner will develop an implementation strategy and communication tools to promote the plan and encourage resident participation in plan implementation and monitoring processes. Progress will be assessed every two years in accordance with SMART principles (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bound) and the action plan will be reviewed and improved every five years as part of a continuous improvement process until the vision is achieved in 2030. The action plan will comply with MAMOT’s recommendations as regards the approach to sustainable development and strategic planning, and will be supported by municipal plans and development strategies. A number of actions for the development of the sustainability plan have already been recommended. Water treatment plants, for example, will be optimized as the population increases using the bio-augmentation technology, and reducing daily water consumption through a public awareness campaign. An innovative self-assessment chart designed by the project’s consultants on the basis of the BNQ21000* charts will rate the extent to which the municipality has integrated responsible management practices for each sustainability issues on a scale of 1 to 5. (Project description from original funding application)


Municipalité d'Ascot Corner, QC

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