Deep Energy Efficiency Retrofit Strategy

Type of initiative
Sector Energy
Project value$235,000
Project Type Operational Study
Grant amount$125,000
Program type MCIP
Municipality ,
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 0
Project timeline 2018 - 2020
Project number 15733


The City of Windsor will develop a deep energy efficiency building retrofit program, to help address the various strategies recommended in the City Community Energy Plan. The study will include elements such as high efficiency windows, supplementary insulation, lighting upgrade, weather-stripping, programmable controls, and energy efficient appliances. Through this program, the City is aiming to reduce GHG emissions by 15% by 2041 for businesses/public buildings and 30% by 2041 for homes. This program will also provide the City the opportunity to build in its climate change adaptation initiatives such as backwater valves, sump pumps and downspout disconnection. The average home in Windsor was built in 1955, which is reflective of the age of the City as a whole. Windsor’s homes on average have 40% higher GHG emission per capita than the Ontario average due to the age of buildings. The City will develop a framework and methodology as part of their plan to manage the project and deliver a sound business program, taking into consideration the legal, governance, cost, feedback from property owners, capital costs implication and lessons learned from previous studies and programs. The methodology will identify high priorities areas using energy mapping technologies. The study will be led by a consultant with a multi-disciplinary City project team, and the Community Task Force will also be engaged through the process. The benefits to the community include high quality employment, community economic development, improved neighbourhoods, improved reputation, housing and building affordability, reduced energy costs, and favourable funding mechanisms to support homeowners undertake the program.
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