Plan stratégique en vue de l’optimisation de l'offre du transport en commun des milieux rural et semi-rural en Outaouais

Type of initiative
Sector Transportation
Project value$45,000
Project Type Plan
Grant amount$21,500
Program type MCIP
Municipality ,
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 0
Project timeline 2017 - 2019
Project number 15731


The Conseil régional de l’environnement et du développement durable de l’Outaouais, in partnership with the Régie intermunicipale de transport des Collines, will develop a strategic plan to steer and structure the consolidated deployment of Transcollines, the public transit and paratransit service in rural areas of the Outaouais, for the 2018–2022 period.The strategic plan will consist of: - An assessment of Transcollines, including an assessment of the service by the stakeholders and a S.T.E.P.L.E. (social, technological, economic, environmental, legal, and ethical) evaluation- The identification of strategic objectives and initiatives to achieve these objectives and contribute to the sustainable development objectives of the various government levels- An action plan- The definition of performance indicatorsThe plan will be presented to the community through an online public consultation platform.It has been shown that providing public and paratransit services in rural areas contributes to economic development by retaining workers and young people. A good public transit system also improves the quality of life in the community, especially for its most vulnerable members.This strategic plan has social, environmental, and economic objectives:- Social: Increase the level of service in the Des Collines and Pontiac RCMs. Contribute to the quality of life of residents, particularly by reducing the isolation of vulnerable people and rural exodus, and by providing a safe and user-friendly transportation alternative.- Environmental: Contribute to the energy transition and reduction of transportation GHG emissions in the OutaouaisIntegrate innovative initiatives and offer a quality alternative to solo car use.- Economic: Contribute to regional investments and, incidentally, to the revitalization of villages and job creation
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