County of Huron Net Metering Wind Generator Feasibility Study
Type of initiative
FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Project value$96,000
Project Type
Feasibility Study
Sub Sector
Renewable Energy Generation – Wind
Grant amount$40,000
Program type
County of Huron, ON
Fully Disbursed
Project timeline
2007 - 2011
Project number
Huron County will conduct a feasibility study for a net metering wind generator and conservation strategy for three county-owned facilities. The study includes RETScreen software to evaluate technical, economic and environmental data; the installation of a meteorological test tower for a 10-12-month period to collect and interpret wind and climatological data; an audit of existing electrical consumption at each of the three facilities; a conservation strategy to reduce electrical demand through such measures as equipment replacement and demand management; a preliminary environmental impacts study to evaluate potential issues and mitigations with respect to noise generation, shadow flicker, environmentally sensitive areas, bird migratory paths, etc; a public meeting for county employees and the general public to provide feedback; a Hydro One consultation to design the system interconnection and estimate related costs; a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis of a net metering wind generator to offset electrical consumption from the grid; and, a final report summarizing study components and outlining the appropriate size and type of a wind generator, preliminary engineering design, costs estimates and business case, and life cycle costs including operating, maintenance, and replacement. The County of Huron estimates that the implementation of study recommendations could reduce 920 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents per year.
County of Huron, ON