Central Okanagan Smart Transit Plan

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Transportation
Project value$200,000
Project Type Plan
Sub Sector Public Transit
Grant amount$100,000
Program type GMF
Municipality City of Kelowna, BC
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 144,576
Project timeline 2003 - 2009
Project number 3736


The population of the Regional District of Central Okanagan is expected to grow from 155,000 to 240,000 over the next20 years. To prepare for this 55 per cent increase, this project includes the preparation of a transit approach thatsupports smart growth, the preparation of a transit priority strategy that integrates intelligent transportation systems (ITS)technologies, and the preparation of a strategy towards developing higher order transit such as “bus rapid transit” and/orrail transit. The Smart Growth Transit Plan developed through this study will provide a “road map” for other small to midsizedCanadian and North American cities to chart their future in a more environmentally, socially and economicallysustainable way. It will include a cost-benefit analysis to quantify the benefits for the Kelowna area and express them in aformat that other planners can use to estimate benefits of transit-oriented development (TOD) in other municipalities.


City of Kelowna, BC