Energy and Building System Improvements for the City of Oshawa Civic Administration Complex

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Capital Project
Sector Energy
Project value$5,738,836
Project Type Capital Project
Sub Sector Building – Existing – Energy efficiency
Grant amount$496,000
Program type GMF
Municipality City of Oshawa, ON
Loan amount$1,721,603
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 175,383
Project timeline 2005 - 2008
Project number 9177


The Civic Administration Complex consists of four inner-connected buildings (A-Wing, Council Chambers, B-Wing, and Rundle Tower) and three additional abutting buildings (Arts Resources Centre, McLaughlin Library, and Robert McLaughlin Art Gallery), which cover a total gross area of 305,090 square feet. The buildings are aged, outdated, have poor building envelopes and inefficient mechanical systems. The current energy consumption of the Civic Administration Complex is 45,687 GJ. This project includes the demolition of Council Chambers and A-Wing up to ground level floor slab and comprehensive energy and building system improvements to the remaining facilities including installation of high efficiency water source heat pumps, which will be the source of heating and cooling for the Complex; installation of four efficient boilers for use with the heat pumps; replacement of existing air handling units with heat recovering fresh air units; replacement of two existing open cooling towers with a new dry air closed cooler; installation of a direct digital control system to enable the administration of proper control to record trends. The expected energy savings relative to the current energy consumption for the project is 24,719 GJ, made up from 12,886 GJ of electricity and 11,833 GJ of gas.


City of Oshawa, ON