Alternative aux installations septiques et aux foyers de pollution dans le secteur Quinchien

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Water
Project value$29,950
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Wastewater Management and Treatment
Grant amount$14,975
Program type GMF
Municipality Ville de Vaudreuil-Dorion, QC
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 43,268
Project timeline 2006 - 2011
Project number 7019


The City will conduct a detailed study to determine the appropriate individual or community-wide solution to the wastewater management problems in the Quinchien area affecting 210 dwellings, many of which are older cottages not serviced by the municipal system. A number of the dwellings have septic systems that do not comply with current regulations and are discharging sanitary sewage directly into the Ottawa River. The solutions being considered by the City include, but are not limited to, intercepting the wastewater from isolated dwellings in the area by means of an innovative alternative system; treating the wastewater from the dwellings before returning it to watercourses; or building a trunk sewer. The study will include a field inventory, mapping and reporting to assess and determine the appropriate solution. Upon completion of the study, an information meeting with area citizens will be organized to present the findings and solutions and alternatives being considered to eliminate the discharge of untreated wastewater into the Ottawa River


Ville de Vaudreuil-Dorion, QC