The Blue Mountains Attainable Housing Demonstrating Project (feasibility study)

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - SAH
Sector Energy
Project value$305,240
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Building – New – with Renewable energy
Grant amount$152,620
Program type GMF
Municipality Town of The Blue Mountains, ON
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 9,390
Project timeline 2020 - 2020
Project number 16850


The Blue Mountains Attainable Housing Corporation‘s energy feasibility study marks the first affordable housing project in the Town of The Blue Mountains (TBM). The study will evaluate the feasibility of obtaining a combination of Passive House certification, net-positive energy performance and LEED Zero certification. The selected site would house a three- to four-storey mixed-use building with approximately 80 affordable tenant units for town employees and several commercial units to promote local green businesses. The initiative will evaluate the new construction using a range of indicators. In terms of energy efficiency, the study will assess a 35% reduction in energy use intensity and a 41% reduction in primary energy demand. The study will also look at reducing the building’s greenhouse gas emissions by 18%. These would consist of emissions generated by the building structure and envelope as well as those coming from the building’s actual energy generation. The initiative will also investigate other environmental benefits, such as reducing air contaminants by sealing penetrations in walls, ceilings and floors between units; reducing the building’s water consumption; improving wastewater treatment and quality; and collecting and storing stormwater. The applicant outlines a collaborative approach with TBM through workshops and consultations to engage with other sectors and the community at large. Support for the proposed study is rooted in key municipal policy objectives related to climate change mitigation, housing quality and affordability, poverty reduction and smart growth. Innovative aspects: The subsequent capital project will be among the first affordable housing project to meet Passive House requirements in the region. Replicability: The study will opt for simplified, smaller mechanical systems that reduce maintenance complexity by three to five times. This may encourage other small providers to transition housing development to higher environmental standards while increasing the providers’ or the municipality’s autonomy to manage their maintenance. Affordability: The study will focus on the following aspects of sustained affordability for tenants: • Reducing future renovation costs by providing a more durable building with an extended lifespan • Decreasing maintenance costs by choosing smaller and more simplified systems • Decreasing operating costs through mitigated air infiltration and decreased condensation, which could reduce overall heating bills by 90% • Increasing revenue streams to become more self-sufficient, possibly through access to revenues from process fees, surplus lands, and rental fees from tenants and commercial units (Project description from original funding application)


Blue Mountains Attainable Housing Corporation (BMAHC), ON