Net-zero affordable housing for seniors in rural Northern Ontario

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - SAH
Sector Energy
Project value$87,140
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Building – New – with Renewable energy
Grant amount$43,570
Program type GMF
Municipality City of Dryden, ON
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 7,388
Project timeline 2020 - 2020
Project number 17422


The Kenora District Services Board (KDSB) will complete a feasibility study to explore building-design considerations for bringing a new 40-unit facility to net-zero energy ready (NZER) status while remaining affordable for seniors in Dryden, Ontario. The study will expand on an existing design with an original target of being 41–55% more energy efficient than what is required under the national building code, making many of the building’s planned systems already adaptable to NZER. The SAH study funding will support KDSB in assessing additions to the building’s HVAC structure to include a hydronic system: circulation pumps with premium efficiency and ventilation from a central energy recovery ventilator. The study will also investigate improvements to the building envelope to achieve a standard higher than national building code R-values, with an emphasis on airtightness. Finally, KDSB will explore if the building’s energy needs could be met with on-site renewable energy systems such as solar, wind and geothermal. The project will accommodate seniors by ensuring the provision of ongoing care and support on site. Seniors living in other buildings in KDSB’s portfolio will be able to move to this new construction, which will increase available housing stock for other demographics and shorten the wait list. Finally, results from this study will complement the existing building design and enable KDSB to access future capital funding. KDSB is working toward a 2021 tender with financial support from Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) and FCM. Innovative aspects: · KDSB is aiming to take an already energy-efficient building to NZER status · This is the first new build study application received under SAH from a rural and northern applicant · With on-site assistance and ongoing medical care in this facility, municipal costs related to first responders will decrease Replicability: With this initiative, KDSB adds to a growing portfolio of expertise and experience that could become a model for future new builds in the district and in Northern Ontario. With recent energy training of its director of infrastructure and hiring of a new project manager, KDSB continues to build and improve its internal capacity for new builds as well as retrofits. Results from this study could inform options for the remaining 1,130 units the municipal corporation manages in the district. In addition, KDSB may re-engage with designers, developers, and contractors of past energy-efficient initiatives to bring this project to an even higher energy performance with the addition of geothermal and renewables. Affordability: The study will focus on a cross-subsidized financial model to create a sustainable mixed-market development. This model divides housing units across three distinct income groups: 35% are deep-subsidy rents (RGI); 30% are affordable at 80% of CMHC’s median-market rent; and 35% are at full-market rent. Under this model, operational savings from future implementation of renewables could leverage additional new developments across the district. (Project description from original funding application)


Kenora District Services Board, ON

Download the project's final report
