Construction of a sorting centre for waste going to landfill in the region of Haut-Saint-François and Sherbrooke

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Capital Project
Sector Waste
Project value$31,140,500
Project Type Capital Project
Sub Sector Multiple Diversion Types
Grant amount$750,000
Program type GMF
Municipality Ville de Sherbrooke, QC
Loan amount$7,500,000
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 172,950
Project timeline 2013 - 2023
Project number 13027


The Valoris Intermunicipal Board will build a sorting centre for waste going to landfill to achieve a diversoin rate of over 60% for the municipalities of the Haut-Saint-François RCM and Sherbrooke. This centre will process annually 70,000 mt to 125,000 mt of residential, industrial, commercial and institutional waste and will extract quality organic material enabling the production of compost or digestate for agricultural use. The centre will process paper, cardboard, plastics and other recyclable materials that are collected for landfill. Ultimately, 70% of waste material collected in garbage bags will be diverted. Valoris is seeking LEED certification for the new building and a reduction in annual energy consumption of about 37% (3,690 GJ). Construction will include recovery of rainwater and use of local and recycled materials. The project will lead to the creation of 25 new jobs, not to mention the economic benefits accruing to local contractors performing the work. (Project description from original funding application)


Régie intermunicipale du centre de valorisation des matières résiduelles du Haut-Saint-François et de Sherbrooke, QC