Projet éolien de Lamèque

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Energy
Project value$420,000
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Renewable Energy Generation – Wind
Grant amount$210,000
Program type GMF
Municipality Ville Île-de-Lamèque, NB
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 2,121
Project timeline 2006 - 2012
Project number 5687


Lamèque Project Company (LPC) - a joint venture of Global Renewable Energy Partners (GREP) and Wind Dynamic Inc. (WDI) - wants to construct a 20 megawatt (MW) wind farm on Lamèque Island in New Brunswick and to sell the power produced to NB Power under a long term Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). The Town of Lamèque created Lamèque Renewable Energy Cooperative (RE Coop) to represent the Town in the development and ownership of the wind project. Based on the average wind speed and capacity factors determined during wind resource tests carried out under GMEF 816 (Phase 1), Hélimax - a wind power consulting company based in Montreal - forecasts total energy production from the facility to be 55 Gwh per year. The project development goal of Phase 2 is to obtain a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), which is an absolute pre-requisite for the development of a wind power project in New Brunswick.


Ville Île-de-Lamèque, NB