Ontario Vanpool Program Feasibility Study

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Transportation
Project value$75,000
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Transportation Demand Management (TDM)
Grant amount$37,500
Program type GMF
Municipality Regional Municipality of York, ON
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 1,173,334
Project timeline 2008 - 2011
Project number 3585


The Region of Peel, the lead municipal partner for the Ontario Vanpool Program Feasibility Study, is investigating the feasibility of a vanpooling service in the Greater Toronto Area and Hamilton to reduce single occupant vehicle use. Vanpools provide long-distance commuters with an alternative to driving alone for routes or areas not well served by transit or for commuters who, for various reasons, are not able to take transit. Two or more persons travel in the same vehicle, but a party other than the users provides the vehicle. The Smart Commute Initiative will undertake this study to investigate transportation demand management, understanding that a menu of options is required to entice single-occupant vehicle commuters to choose more sustainable modes of travel. Recognizing the difficulty of changing people’s behaviours, the study will identify the barriers to adopting vanpooling and provide solutions to the barriers. It will also examine how to ensure that the results are sustainable in the long term, with vans operating at or near capacity. The ideal scale for the program in relation to number and size of vanpool vehicles will depend on a market analysis and the implementation schedule.


Smart Commute Association, ON