Electrification of Trucks and Specialized Transport by the City of Varennes

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Transportation
Project value$509,900
Project Type Pilot Project
Sub Sector Fleet Management
Grant amount$255,000
Program type GMF
Municipality Ville de Varennes, QC
Status In Progress
Population 21,198
Project timeline 2020 -
Project number 16852


The City of Varennes is planning on conducting a pilot project to test the electrification of the pick-up trucks in its municipal fleet and examine their performance and capacity to meet the City’s needs and deliver municipal services. These trucks will therefore be tested on construction sites and for specific municipal services. The City seeks to pursue its decarbonization efforts through the electrification of transport vehicles. The pilot project is part of a consistent strategy in that the City has already built an electrical service station with a number of charging stations, and has conducted a study on the electrification and sharing of the municipal fleet. This pilot project is the culmination of some projects that have already been funded under the Municipalities for Climate Innovation Program (15653, 16471) and it takes the same approach as some current GMF-funded projects (16779). The project has the support of municipal stakeholders and elected officials. The City of Varennes has in fact conducted technical feasibility studies that underscore the significance of GHG emissions connected with the transportation sector and it address the issue.

Three electric pick-up trucks will be tested and two charging stations installed. Two trucks will be used for public works-related operations; and the third will be used to deliver materials and equipment. Municipal officials will move forward in stages testing the performance, the equipment and the vehicles in particular to change the way things are done along with organizational mentalities. Some equipment will be tested for the first time on electric trucks such as a lift truck, sewer cleaning truck or crane. These adjustments and adaptations will be useful in future for developing best practices for the installation of electrified transportation on a more global scale.

The electrification of trucks will be carried out in Varennes by a local company, thereby supporting and promoting local expertise and employment. Converting existing trucks is an innovative component of the project that reduces the environmental impact associated with the design and manufacturing of new trucks.

The primary environmental benefit is the reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, but other benefits include a reduction in harmful pollutants and noise.

Innovative aspects

  • Conversion of vehicles with internal combustion engines into electric vehicles
  • Shift toward the use of electric utility vehicles by the municipality, which is still fairly uncommon
  • Testing of construction and municipal services equipment and systems


  • Lessons learned with regard to municipal management and organization will be worthwhile for any municipalities interested in adopting a similar approach.
  • Specifics on project costs and investment amortization could help sell municipalities on the electrification of their transport vehicles.

Environmental benefits

  • Reducing GHG emissions by up to 90 %, from 19.9 to 0.02 tonnes of CO2 equivalent (exhaust emissions)
  • Contributing to transitioning toward the electrification of municipal and private transportation.

Economic benefits

  • Electrification of three (3) trucks will be carried out by an innovative business in Varennes.
  • Electricity costs less than petroleum products
  • Decreased maintenance costs

Social benefits

  • Partnership between the City and a local business involved in community revitalization
  • The electric trucks will be less noisy than conventional trucks.


Ville de Varennes, QC