Implantation de la collecte à trois voies: compostage

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Capital Project
Sector Waste
Project value$333,400
Project Type Capital Project
Sub Sector Composting
Grant amount$196,700
Program type GMF
Municipality Ville de Lac-Mégantic, QC
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 5,747
Project timeline 2008 - 2011
Project number 9368


The City of Lac-Mégantic plans to add compostable material to its current collection of waste and recyclable materials. The first phase in 2006 targets the residential sector: single-family homes and multi-residential dwellings with up to six units. In 2007 and 2008, the industrial, commercial and institutional sectors, and multi-residentiall dwellings with more than seven units, will be included. Complete three stream collection will take place by 2008. The City has a total diversion rate of 41 percent with 18.5 percent of waste recycled, and 22.5 percent composted (2005), Existing composted materials include sludge from their water treatment plant and septic tanks, Christmas trees and fallen leaves. . The results of a two-year pilot project predict a total diversion rate of 52% when the program is fully implemented. Recycling as well as composting will be promoted, with recycling predicted to increase from 18.5 percent to 35 percent. Composting will reduce the volume of recoverable residues, the amount of biogas and leachates, and the landfill space required at the current site. The compost produced will be used as fertilizer. In January 2009, the current landfill site will close and final waste will be transported 100 km to a new site that complies with new provincial regulations.


Ville de Lac-Mégantic, QC