Energy assessment for the construction of 38 units for families and seniors in Kingston, Ontario

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - SAH
Sector Energy
Project value$459,400
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Building – New – with Renewable energy
Grant amount$150,700
Program type GMF
Municipality City of Kingston, ON
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 132,485
Project timeline 2021 - 2022
Project number 17918


Kingston Co-operative Homes Inc. (est. 1983) owns and operates over one hundred affordable units in Kingston, Ontario, that primarily serve seniors and families. This initiative would add 38 units to the cooperative’s affordable housing portfolio. The study will assess the feasibility of using several energy-efficient technologies to exceed CMHC’s Co-Investment fund criteria and achieve either the net-zero-energy or net-zero-energy-ready criteria under FCM’s Sustainable Affordable Housing (SAH) program. Technologies under consideration include: · Advanced heating and cooling controls, lighting, HVAC equipment upgrades and heat pumps · An insulated wood-frame construction, high performance building envelopes, high-efficiency windows and passive features such as orientation · Individual metering to increase resident participation in reducing energy consumption. The study will also examine the life cycle of roof-mounted PV systems as well as sustainable landscape such as storm water captures in swells and permeable pavement. The new construction may also include accessible design through such features as elevator access and barrier-free units. Deliverables of the study will include a site plan analysis, a class C cost estimate, architectural and mechanical designs and drawings, a financial feasibility report and a business plan. Innovative aspect(s): · The initiative will partner with KEYS Job Center to provide New Canadians with employment and training experience in construction. Replicability: · Compass Ontario, a subsidiary of the Cooperative Housing Federation of Canada, will use outcomes from this study to support other Co-op communities that may undertake similar projects. Affordability: · The cooperative already plans to have 42% of its units rented at 63% of the MMR, which exceeds SAH’s affordability threshold. Furthermore, the improved energy efficiency and sustainability features may further reduce the operating expenses of the building as well as the housing charges for the tenants. (Project description from original funding application)


Kingston Co-operative Homes Inc, ON