City of Moncton Neighborhood Flood Mitigation Study

Type of initiative
Sector Climate Change Adaptation
Project value$220,800
Project Type Feasibility Study
Grant amount$126,273
Program type MCIP
Municipality ,
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 0
Project timeline 2018 - 2018
Project number 15442


The City of Moncton will conduct a feasibility study to complete engineering assessments and provide practical solutions on possible flood mitigation measures. The initiative aims to enable the city to adapt to climate change and to reduce flood risk. This study will cover two residential areas of the city which are at high risk of flooding. The city identified these two areas after completing two climate change adaptation studies and flood plain mapping exercises.In this study, mitigation options could include, berm repair and/or construction, flood proofing of buildings, public education, storm water detention facilities, abandonment of basement and fill, structure elevation and property acquisition, demolition or relocation. The different options will consider current City of Moncton flood management regulation and will include an assessment of environmental and socio economic impacts and a cost-benefit analysis. To achieve this study, the city will:• Study the existing conditions, existing housing stock, existing public infrastructure, current issues and potential issues in regards to flooding.• Identify major flood vulnerabilities throughout the study areas including the current state of flood control works, analyze operational and public safety vulnerabilities and suggest how they could be improved.• Research structural and non-structural methods to reduce flood damage.• Evaluate infrastructure’s susceptibility to flood damage and recommend specific resilience actions with associated cost estimates.• Identify where development should be prohibited or restricted, ways that development could be limited, and ways that developments could be modified to reduce flood damages with consideration of land use control tools and authorities. • Conduct a public meeting in each of the identified neighborhoods. The purpose of the meetings will be for the consultant to obtain public input which may help during the study period and to update the residents on the intent of the study and the process.• Evaluate the flood mitigation by considering the technical effectiveness, the environmental and socioeconomic impacts of alternatives and the cost-benefit analysis of alternatives.The recommendations of this study are intended to be used to guide both public and private flood mitigation activities. The environmental benefits of a future project will include the reduction of potential watercourse contamination from sewage overflows, erosion and petroleum impacted runoff from cars and streets. In addition, the implementation of the study's recommendations will have economic and social benefits for the residents of the area by reducing property damage and ensuring public safety.
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