Application of On-Site Cluster Sewage Disposal Systems for Rural Subdivision Development

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Water
Project value$123,025
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Wastewater Management and Treatment
Grant amount$61,513
Program type GMF
Municipality Municipality of the District of Lunenburg, NS
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 25,545
Project timeline 2001 - 2011
Project number 1857


This feasibility study and pilot project will examine the installation of cost–effective, on–site wastewater treatmentsystems for small rural subdivisions. The number of homes in the selected cluster would be between six and eight.Current distributed treatment systems are operating at capacity and many properties are not suitable for conventionalseptic tanks and tile fields. The study will consider a number of small treatment options, including innovative pumpedsewer systems to decrease construction costs. The system could be located on communal/public land adjacent to theclustered homes. The project will include a first–phase review of options and the suitability of soil conditions ($19,500)with a follow–up detailed review of the preferred options. The need for and value of this kind of work is very high in theAtlantic region, where there is increasing concern about groundwater contamination and pollution of shellfish grounds.This type of collection system could consist of a combination of gravity mains and pressure mains, optimized to reduceexcavation and pumping costs.


Municipality of the District of Lunenburg, NS