Region of Niagara Water and Wastewater Facilities - Energy Audit

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Energy
Project value$275,000
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Building – Existing – Energy efficiency
Grant amount$100,000
Program type GMF
Municipality Regional Municipality of Niagara, ON
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 477,941
Project timeline 2003 - 2008
Project number 256


Niagara will undertake an energy audit and create a demand profile of all the water and wastewater facilities it operates,including six water treatment plants, nine wastewater plants, five lagoons and 120 remote pumping stations. The energyaudit will identify inefficiencies and opportunities to cut energy consumption. The region will install meters to measuretrends in energy use. The demand profile will then analyze data from the meters to identify peak energy consumptiontimes and permit comparisons of energy efficiency measures. Developing a regional water and wastewater demandprofile will help Niagara negotiate energy rates when the hydro industry is deregulated in May, and will ensure thisproject's environmental goals are measurable and sustainable. The overall goal is to reduce energy consumption andcosts by 35 per cent, with the savings paying for the cost of the meters and the study within five to 10 years.


Regional Municipality of Niagara, ON