Aquifer Capability and Groundwater Vulnerability Delineation and Mapping, RM of Springfield

Type of initiative
Sector Climate Change Adaptation
Project value$85,500
Project Type Plan
Grant amount$46,400
Program type MCIP
Municipality ,
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 0
Project timeline 2017 - 2018
Project number 15390


The Rural Municipality of Springfield will develop a plan to assess the groundwater vulnerability and the capability of its aquifers in response to climate change. The objective of this plan is to produce GIS layers and maps delineating the extent of various aquifers, groundwater vulnerability and potential areas for future groundwater development.Specifically, the plan will involve:• Developing a plan to reduce vulnerability to the impacts of climate change;• Developing aquifer mapping;• Developing a framework for groundwater vulnerability assessment and mapping;• Identifying activities with the potential to contaminate groundwater;• Identifying hydrogeological factors which pose significant risk to aquifers;• Identifying areas of naturally occurring contaminants;• Identifying recharge areas and annual recharge for various aquifers;• Summarizing existing private, commercial, municipal and industrial water right licenses;• Groundwater quality mapping;• Identifying areas for future groundwater development and the capacity for future groundwater development;• Identifying recommendations for maintaining the ongoing sustainability of the quality and quantity of the municipal groundwater resource;• Identifying wellhead protection recommendations for existing public supply wells;• Preparing a framework for development of regional groundwater management plan in consultation with the Province of Manitoba and other municipalities.To achieve this Plan, the Rural Municipality of Springfield will :• Review various carbon scenarios (low & high) based on available climate models;• Study the changes in aquifer recharge and water table based on available climate models;• Identify groundwater protection zones and hydro-geological data;• Assess the risk of groundwater contamination;• Complete Water quality mapping.This Plan will be a guiding tool for future land use planning for the Rural Municipality of Springfield. In addition, it involves preparing framework for the development of a Regional Groundwater Management Plan for all the municipalities sharing the same aquifers as a next step. Therefore, this project has the ability to make a positive impact on the groundwater resources of the Rural Municipality of Springfield and other municipalities, and will have a positive impact on a population of approximately 50,000-60,000 in the long run.
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