Complexe de gestion intégrée de matières résiduelles de la MRC Haut-St-François

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Waste
Project value$2,642,957
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Waste Management
Grant amount$350,000
Program type GMF
Municipality MRC du Haut-Saint-François, QC
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 22,926
Project timeline 2008 - 2011
Project number 7020


The Regional County Municipality (RCM) of Haut-St-François will test the economic and technical viability of using an aerobic bioreactor and sorting centre to satisfy new, more stringent provincial residual waste management requirements. Results from the field test will be used to determine if up-scaling the bioreactor to handle all of the RCM’s residuals would be more advantageous than bringing the RCM’s existing outdated landfill into compliance with the new regulations. If the field test is successful, the aerobic bioreactor and sorting centre would become integral parts of a new integrated waste management complex that would be constructed at the RCM’s waste management park in Bury. It is anticipated that the field test will reduce the volume of landfilled putrescible and biodegradable waste by over 8,000 tonnes per year and that the sorting centre will be responsible for the diversion of 3,000 tonnes of waste from the landfill per year. It is expected that the project system, if implemented, would reduce the RCM’s future landfill gas emissions to almost zero, landfill leachates by at least 70 per cent, and the total volume of landfilled waste by at least 20 per cent. Additionally, stabilized material from the bioreactor could be put to various uses, such as, landfill cover, planting soil or compost.


MRC du Haut-Saint-François, QC