Supplemental Detailed Site Investigation and Remediation Plan, 1235 Esquimalt Road, Esquimalt, BC

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Brownfield
Project value$146,500
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Site assessments and remedial action plans
Grant amount$68,200
Program type GMF
Municipality Township of Esquimalt, BC
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 17,533
Project timeline 2017 - 2019
Project number 13112


The Township of Esquimalt will conduct a supplemental Detailed Site Investigation (DSI) on the centrally-located former municipal works yard to assess and delineate contamination in soil, groundwater, and vapour in order to prepare a remediation plan, with the goal of remediating the site and bringing it back into productive use. The 7,500 m2 site is owned by the Township of Esquimalt, and formerly housed buildings including the municipal hall, storage sheds, a greenhouse, fueling station, paint shop, mechanic shop, and carpenter shop. One above ground storage tank and three underground storage tanks with gasoline and diesel were removed in 1998, along with contaminated soils, and all buildings were demolished in 2011 in preparation for redevelopment. A detailed site investigation in 2014 identified contaminants of concern in the soil including hydrocarbons, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), metals, and salt. The municipality will review existing documents to gain an understanding of the site, contaminant distribution and concentrations, and development potential. Consultants will drill up to 20 soil collection boreholes, some of which will be used as groundwater monitoring wells and vapour wells, and conduct laboratory testing. Depending on the results of the supplemental DSI, a human health and ecological risk assessment may be considered a feasible alternative to remediation, or may be implemented in conjunction with on-site or off-site treatment and disposal. Remediation options will be considered by township departments and council prior to a decision being made on the approach and timeline for remediation. As part of the planned Esquimalt Village Project, the township plans to redevelop the site to form the core of a mixed use area potentially involving commercial, residential, urban park, civic and community uses. The plan for the development includes green building design strategies and sustainable landscape design, including storm water infiltration and storage and making use of drought-tolerant plants. The community indicated strong support for a mixed-use development and revitalization of the site during open houses for the Esquimalt Village plan. (Project description from original funding application)


Township of Esquimalt, BC