Sea Level Rise: City of Campbell River

Type of initiative
Sector Climate Change Adaptation
Project value$400,000
Project Type Plan
Grant amount$175,000
Program type MCIP
Municipality ,
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 0
Project timeline 2017 - 2020
Project number 15407


The City of Campbell River will develop a comprehensive Sea Level Rise (SLR) strategy that includes an assessment of SLR risks and development of an adaptation plan, as well as direction for future bylaw/policy amendments. With approximately 15 km of urban coastline and a population of 35000, Campbell River has significant exposure to the erosion and inundation impacts from SLR, combined with increasingly severe weather events. The strategy will focus on key areas such as the estuary, the City’s downtown, and foreshore sections adjacent to Highway 19A where there is City infrastructure and/or development interest. The project approach is composed of three principal phases: initial evidence and data gathering, detailed hydrological studies in key locations, and finally the public discussion of appropriate responses. The project seeks the integration of evidence-based science with community values in deciding on solutions from a range of options. Knowledge of the extent and nature of SLR threats will enable the City to make informed decisions on land use and infrastructure planning. This work is expected to inform updates to the City’s Asset Management Strategy and land use policies, including revision and expansion of the Flood Area Development Permit Guidelines within the Official Community Plan. Planning for SLR effects will factor directly into both capital works (infrastructure) projects, and land development plans. Reduced vulnerability to be achieved by this work would utilize the familiar “Avoid/Retreat/Accommodate/Protect” framework which broadly categorizes responses to flooding threats. Outcomes of this project include:• Sea Level Rise Plan • Better-informed land-use planning within coastal areas• Complete inventory of assets at risk• Long and short term management strategies for key infrastructure and land use issues• Institutional capacity building and increased staff knowledge/expertise• Updated asset management plan• Re-evaluation of the City’s waterfront property acquisition policy• Informed emergency response and disaster planning• Better-informed and proactive citizenry/staff/Council.Environmental and social benefits of the project include increased flood resiliency, development of options to protect sensitive ecosystems at risk, identification of pollution potential from inundation of contaminates sites, development of pollution risk mitigation measures, and community capacity-building. Public education and outreach are essential components and it is expected that the project should move the community towards a greater understanding of the risks and the subsequent rationale for land use planning decisions and policies. Finally, the work should inform emergency planning and disaster responses during extreme weather events.
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