Directed Deconstruction of buildings leading to reuse

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Waste
Project value$501,510
Project Type Pilot Project
Sub Sector Materials Reuse
Grant amount$217,800
Program type GMF
Municipality Ville de Chandler, QC
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 7,490
Project timeline 2022 - 2024
Project number DFC-22-0037


Every year in Quebec, the construction industry generates more than 3 million tonnes of waste that includes many different types of materials, but only a small portion of this waste is recycled or diverted. This major environmental impact, combined with the importance of the construction industry for the province’s economy, represents a significant opportunity for the circular economy.  The idea is to circulate materials and resources in a zero-waste perspective, limit the use of virgin resources and enrich the community.  The goal of the project submitted by the Régie intermunicipale de traitement des matières résiduelles de la Gaspésie (Gaspésie intermunicipal waste management board, or RITMRG) is to oversee and document a project involving the demolition of two buildings leading to the reuse of materials, in order to demonstrate the benefits of this approach. Management tools, regulations and decision-support tools will be developed as part of this pilot project to make it transferrable to other municipalities. The project is part of an industrial synergy approach for the construction, renovation and demolition (CRD) industry.   The municipalities of Chandler and Grande-Rivière are planning on completing the demolition of the buildings, which include a bistro and a former hardware store and its dependencies, in 2022. The installation and set-up of a permaculture school in the former Val-d’Espoir elementary school will make it possible to reuse several types of materials and waste from the demolition of the old buildings. This project is carried out by a non-profit organization (NGO) and financially supported by the City of Percé. It will require major renovation work, and the ONG will need to mobilize a lot of resources in order to optimize these costs.  As a result, the RITMRG has proposed to conduct a project involving two demolitions and one renovation to the three entities. This project prioritizes, in order, the management of CRD materials through reuse, recycling and reclamation.  The demolition will be performed by workers who will be educated, trained and made aware of this pilot project. The use of heavy machinery will be avoided as much as possible. The materials will then be sorted, categorized and stockpiled for resale. This “directed demolition” will make it possible to clearly and scientifically identify the obstacles, potential solutions, arguments and tools that could lead to the systematic implementation of a more upstream demolition approach in the CRD industry.  Through this project, the RITMRG wants to work towards the objectives of its new 2022-2029 waste management plan. This plan anticipates a change of paradigm, by replacing the traditional demolition approach with synergetic or directed demolition methods that promote waste reduction, material reuse, cost savings and decreased need to use new materials in CRD projects. 
Innovative aspects:  
• Implementation of regulatory tools that are not widely used    
• Renewal of bidding processes to include specific provisions requiring that bidders meet certain objectives in terms of material reuse and demolition   
• Production of adapted and flexible tools to help contractors complete the project and development of a collaboration model with municipalities and building owners    
• Testing of new methods that discourage demolition methods that send waste to landfill and instead promote the reuse of materials as part of a specific renovation project        
• Participation of several partners from the municipal sector and the CRD industry in the region, with the support of a team of researchers from a circular economy institute and the support of RECYC-QUÉBEC   
• The decision-support tools, the model developed and the concrete deliverables that will result from this project will allow any municipality to replicate this type of initiative with ease and with a tested regulatory framework.     
• In order to share the lessons learned and results of this project, a communications plan will be prepared and updated throughout the project.


Régie intermunicipale de traitement des matières résiduelles de la Gaspésie, QC