Appliance Renewal Program - Phase 1

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Capital Project
Sector Energy
Project value$5,156,796
Project Type Capital Project
Sub Sector Other
Grant amount$30,000
Program type GMF
Municipality City of Toronto, ON
Loan amount$2,100,000
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 2,794,356
Project timeline 2006 - 2006
Project number 1157


Toronto Community Housing Corporation (TCHC), a City of Toronto independent agency, is the largest landlord inCanada with some 60,000 low-income rental units. TCHC is committed to implementing a comprehensive Utility andEnergy Management Plan (UEMP) to reduce energy use and emissions, including an Appliance Replacement Program.This project will assist TCHC to replace old and energy-inefficient appliances within the next 12 months with Energy Starcertified appliances. As a result, refrigerator energy use per unit is projected to decline from 1,296 kilowatt-hours peryear (kWhrs/year) to 413 kWhrs/year (68 per cent), with total forecast energy reductions resulting from the purchase –7,152 megawatt-hours per year (MWhrs/year). Range energy use per unit is projected to decline from 900 kWhrs/year to739 kWhrs/year (18 per cent), with total forecast energy reductions resulting from the purchase – 434 MWhrs/year. Inaddition, the forecast reduction in greenhouse gases resulting from this first appliance purchase is 6,000 tonnes ofcarbon dioxide equivalent per year (100,000 tonnes over the lifetime of the appliances) and the forecast energy costsavings from this first purchase is $500,000 to $700,000 per year. The resulting payback in terms of energy savings isseven to ten years.


Toronto Community Housing Corporation, ON