Feasibility study and development of a wastewater reclamation system in support of agricultural diversification in Wheatland County

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Water
Project value$168,500
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Wastewater Management and Treatment
Grant amount$84,250
Program type GMF
Municipality Wheatland County, AB
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 8,788
Project timeline 2014 - 2014
Project number 13020


Wheatland County will partner with Sustainability Resources Ltd. to study the feasibility of building a water reclamation facility that can reuse stormwater and treated wastewater to support agribusiness development in Wheatland. Water supply is a significant concern for Wheatland County as population growth, industrialization, and climate change have put a strain on existing systems. The community is therefore looking for solutions to improve water treatment efficiency and the security of the local water supply, as well as to promote continued local economic development, while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and impacts on watershed ecosystems.Sustainability Resources Ltd. will assess the technical and financial options of treating wastewater effluent for reuse in greenhouses and other agricultural applications in several municipalities within Wheatland County. They will analyze and review the regulatory framework of wastewater treatment, risks and technology options, the volume and potential supply of both wastewater and stormwater to industry, utility requirements and methods to optimize the treatment process. Sustainability Resources Ltd. will examine existing wastewater treatment technologies that have been used successfully in other Canadian communities to treat effluent and make it available for reuse, such as the Living Machine, with the objective of meeting <5 mg/L for Biochemical Oxygen Demand and Total Suspended Solids using non-chemical processing. Agribusiness operators, other business leaders and residents will be invited to participate in project consultations and to provide data about their resource requirements. After seeking input from provincial regulatory bodies, the consultant will prepare a business plan, marketing plan, and a commercialization strategy for a pilot project. Recommendations will be based on a triple-bottom-line assessment of environmental, economic and social impacts.This study complements the county’s Municipal Development Plan and Integrated Community Sustainability Plan, which identify water and waste management goals as key to improve the environment of Wheatland County and for overall economic development. Early-stage consultation with agribusinesses adds an innovative element to this study. The county will share results and lessons learned with other agriculture-focused communities facing similar water availability constraints.


Sustainability Resources Ltd., AB