Plan d'adaptation aux changements climatiques de Saint-Zotique

Type of initiative
Sector Climate Change Adaptation
Project value$103,300
Project Type Plan
Grant amount$82,640
Program type MCIP
Municipality ,
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 0
Project timeline 2018 - 2019
Project number 15595


For the implementation of its climate change adaptation plan, the city of Saint-Zotique has decided to analyze its overall geographical situation to better understand the challenges and needs related to climate change and identify the best ways to integrate them into a sustainable management model.The plan will be implemented using a unifying approach since the municipality wants it to be fully owned by everyone. Owners of sites to be developed will be involved in the process, and two public consultations will allow citizens to participate in the development process.The plan will be developed in close collaboration with various municipal departments to ensure the shared responsibility and implementation of measures presented by the municipality.The strict requirements of the plan will provide significant benefits to the community and will certainly enhance the features of the municipality, serve the interests of the environment, the municipal economy, and the population. In particular, the measures identified in the plan will make it possible to:• Reduce greenhouse gas emissions to limit the extent of climate change• Develop infrastructure that respects strict rules on water management, energy efficiency, green roofs, and vegetated walls in order to support a healthy living environment and promote better health for residents• Promote the optimal integration of grey infrastructure within natural environments through urban development that blends with nature and a significant proportion of vegetated environments that provide cool islands and stormwater retention• Promote LEED projects• Increase appeal for the municipality among families, businesses, and industries, and stimulate the economy through green and sustainable tourism
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