District of North Vancouver Community Energy and Emissions Plan (CEEP)

Type of initiative
Sector Energy
Project value$199,500
Project Type Plan
Grant amount$158,600
Program type MCIP
Municipality ,
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 0
Project timeline 2017 - 2019
Project number 15309


The District of North Vancouver will be developing a Community Energy and Emissions Plan (CEEP) to guide long-term planning and action towards reducing their contribution to climate change and becoming a more energy efficient community. The District of North Vancouver, primarily a suburban community of 85,935 people, produced 495,801 annual CO2e (t) in 2012 and these emissions are likely to increase as the community grows. The Community Energy and Emissions Plan (CEEP) will provide a long-term roadmap to reduce GHG emissions and will challenge the District to aim for an 80% reduction of GHG’s by 2050 through deep, meaningful action.The District of North Vancouver is a member of FCM’s Partners for Climate Protection Program (PCP). The plan will use the PCP Milestone Framework to create a greenhouse gas emissions inventory, set an emissions reduction target and develop a local action plan. The CEEP project will assess emissions and energy use in the following community sectors: land use, buildings, transportation, energy management, waste management, and urban forestry. In partnership with BC Hydro, the CEEP will test the relative GHG and energy impacts of the new Energy Step Code levels and recommend a local approach to prepare for net zero ready new buildings by 2032. A unique community health lens will explore varying demographic, socio-economic and community health vulnerabilities to climate change, and potential barriers to climate action. The CEEP project will apply triple bottom line and integrated systems principles to carefully consider diverse interests, co-benefits and trade-offs with various actions. An effective communications and engagement strategy will build community, stakeholder, Council and staff understanding and support for the CEEP to ensure successful implementation. Implementation of the CEEP will increase community resiliency to climate change and rising energy costs, promote energy security and savings, improve overall air quality and community health, advance protection of our natural environment, facilitate local renewable energy generation, and encourage business investment and job growth.
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