Organic Waste & Recyclable Diversion in Commercial and Multi-Family Properties, Technical Assistance & Outreach

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Waste
Project value$40,000
Project Type Pilot Project
Sub Sector Multiple Diversion Types
Grant amount$20,000
Program type GMF
Municipality District of Squamish, BC
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 23,819
Project timeline 2017 - 2022
Project number 15206


The District of Squamish (DOS) wants to conduct a pilot project focused on increasing waste diversion of commercial and multi-family (MFH) properties by determining barriers and benefits to composting and recycling and by piloting community-based social marketing strategies with a select group of stakeholders (10 MFHs and several businesses within the community). The initiative is built on a zero waste Strategy in which the priority is implementing an organics and other recyclables disposal ban community-wide, through a new bylaw. The Strategy identified the provision of technical assistance and outreach as key support mechanisms to rolling-out the recyclables disposal ban. DOS’ environmental, social and economic objectives for this project include: - Increasing waste diversion through clear communication around basic waste infrastructure; - Encouraging the rethinking, re-use, reduction and recycling of waste; and - Empowering residents by providing accurate and easy-to-retain information. DOS predicts the following key environmental outcomes: - Significant reduction of 279 tonnes of garbage arriving at the Squamish Landfill that will be diverted towards composting or recycling; - Significant greenhouse gas emission reduction at the Squamish Landfill due to the organic materials being diverted and composted in a closed system that properly manages emissions; - Creation of a soil-enriching byproduct through organic diversion; and - Valuable resources are kept out of the landfill through increased recycling. The pilot project methodology includes: - Waste audits conducted on the properties before and after the pilot to assess the impact of the tools; - Direct engagement with selected businesses and MFHs, including follow-up, to determine barriers and benefits, and identify the infrastructure that is in place; - Develop tools for MFHs and ICI properties that can be rolled-out to all of the affected properties in Squamish; - Pilot these tools on test properties through workshops and one-on-one engagement and measure the outcomes; and - Introduce financial penalties on businesses and buildings that have over 5% recyclables in their garbage. The District of Squamish will hold public consultation which will consist in technical assistance and outreach, direct engagement and follow-up with selected businesses and MFH, workshops and training sessions, one-on-one engagement, peer learning, and communication. External stakeholders involved are 10 MFH property managers, businesses, strata councils, the Squamish Downtown Business Improvement Association and the Chamber of Commerce. Internal stakeholders are the Manager of Facilities, Bylaw Enforcement and District staff from the Engineering, Planning and Building departments. The District of Squamish will produce the following deliverables: toolkits and information packages tailored for businesses and property management companies, communications materials, educational programs and pilot project report detailing the results of the pilot. If the tools are proven effective, the District of Squamish will scale up to all MFH and ICI and provide the toolkits and information to businesses and property managers, which could divert a total of 6,460 tonnes of waste per year. (Project description from original funding application)


District of Squamish, BC

Download the project's final report
