Municipal Waste Compost Marketing Study

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Waste
Project value$71,000
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Composting
Grant amount$30,000
Program type GMF
Municipality Halifax Regional Municipality, NS
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 439,819
Project timeline 2001 - 2009
Project number 1670


The Halifax Regional Municipality has introduced an innovative new Integrated Waste Resource Management Systemthat is gaining national and international attention. The system has succeeded in diverting 65 per cent of the waste fromits landfill. A regional facility produces compost from solid waste. The municipality will assess the viability of usingcompost to control common pest problems in turf grass. The study will also examine potential markets for this compost.The aim is to use community–generated compost to meet the city's goals for pesticide reduction. The study will considerthe use of nitrogen–fixing bacteria to absorb nitrogen from the air and trap it in the compost, where it increases thefertilizer value of the compost.


Halifax Regional Municipality, NS