Automated Real-time IoT Smart Blue Roof Systems for the IC&I Sector for Flood and Drought Resilience and Adaptation

Type of initiative
Sector Climate Change Adaptation
Project value$218,500
Project Type Feasibility Study
Grant amount$157,040
Program type MCIP
Municipality ,
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 0
Project timeline 2018 - 2018
Project number 15483


Peel Region is home to an extensive portion of Canada’s IC&I business community including: its largest airport, Canada’s largest Eco-Business Zone as well as a rapidly evolving business community. The smart blue roof project is of significant importance for the medium and long term adaptation of the region to significant flood and drought events (such as the July 2013 storm in Mississauga) in addition to infrastructure growth demands related to an increasing population. As a climate change flood and drought adaptation response, this smart blue roof project has the potential to reduce pressure on municipal infrastructure while reducing business disruptions due to potential flooding to the IC&I sector. The ultimate objective of the smart blue roof project is to demonstrate how the IC&I sector can implement cost-effective stormwater and water efficiency technologies with shorter payback periods that meets their capital investment criteria while simultaneously decreasing the regions vulnerability to climate change. The proposed study will consist of:• a comprehensive secondary research evaluation of building codes, standards and technologies related to blue roof technology;• research about integrating smart blue roof automation into building management systems;• a detailed evaluation of the existing state of the art technical elements associated with blue roof rain harvesting systems and how they integrate with smart blue roof: roof storage liners, automated roof drainage valves and security, rainwater filtration, energy efficient pumping, level/depth sensors, predictive weather algorithms, automation data visualization, rain harvesting system cistern sizing and integrations;• an economic, regulatory and insurance business risk analysis of smart blue roof technology in the context of stormwater management, potable water offsetting and continuing provision of municipal services;• an IC&I buildings sector multi-stakeholder workshop to share smart blue roof project findings and obtain feedback from participants; • a detailed business case assessment of the feasibility of, and recommendations pertaining to, a proposed CVC program to promote smart blue roof for the IC&I sector.The Credit Valley Conservation Authority will be the project manager and main conduit of communications between all members of the team. The team will include staff from the Region of Peel and the City Mississauga, external consultants, academic institutions, and more.
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