Sechelt Sustainable Community Action Plan (SCAP)

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Multi-sector (Plans)
Project value$72,800
Project Type Plan
Sub Sector Sustainable Neighbourhoods
Grant amount$35,500
Program type GMF
Municipality District of Sechelt, BC
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 10,847
Project timeline 2017 - 2019
Project number 15073


The District of Sechelt will develop a Sustainable Community Action Plan (SCAP) as an overarching policy to guide future planning and decision making for both the district and community partners. Sechelt is a small coastal community with an economy formerly based on logging and fishing, and is now transitioning to a tourism-based economy and as a destination for retirees. The SCAP will align with, and be based upon, the Official Community Plan’s goals and objectives, the corporate Sustainability Action Plan, and the Sunshine Coast Regional District's (SCRD) Sustainability Plan. Any gaps will be identified and flagged so that the community can establish new goals. The SCAP will also integrate specific sustainability objectives based on The Natural Step system conditions, and will form the basis from which targets will be established. The advisory committee, partners, and the community will be engaged in an action planning process that involves reviewing the goals and desired outcomes, a current reality analysis, and the identification of strategic directions. Specific actions will then be established which integrate sustainability objectives to help achieve the community's goals. As part of the SCAP, a set of indicators will be developed to measure progress towards the goals, and from which to set clear targets. With a new council and desire to revisit the community's vision and sustainability goals, the development of a SCAP is a timely and opportune endeavour to galvanize the community and identify innovative strategies and actions to help drive greater sustainability. Actions will address energy, waste and water management, sustainable transportation, land use, and local economic development. Partnerships will be a priority in the development and implementation of the SCAP. The SCAP will engage and seek the commitment of community partners, the regional district, and First Nations neighbours to undertake actions to support community goals. The community will be involved throughout the process through in-person events, on-line surveys and kitchen table conversations. An advisory committee and community partners will help to design the engagement process, provide input into the plan, determine actions, and identify how partners can help implement the actions in their own organizations. (Project description from original funding application)


District of Sechelt, BC