North Shore Sea Level Rise Risk Assessment and Adaptive Management Strategy (Vancouver)

Type of initiative
Sector Climate Change Adaptation
Project value$295,000
Project Type Plan
Grant amount$175,000
Program type MCIP
Municipality ,
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 0
Project timeline 2018 - 2021
Project number 15526


Bordering on Burrard Inlet, coastal areas of the North Shore can expect significant impacts from climate driven sea level rise. Risk assessment and adaptive management are important proactive steps needed to protect the North Shore community against flood-related impacts to buildings, infrastructure, businesses, industry, homes and environmentally sensitive areas. In partnership, the North Shore municipalities including the District of North Vancouver, City of North Vancouver and District of West Vancouver as well as the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority are proposing to conduct a robust risk assessment and climate adaptation planning process to build an understanding of the North Shore vulnerability to climate change sea level rise risks, and to identify priority areas for mitigation and risk management.This project will delineate a sea level rise hazard boundary for the North Shore; build an understanding of the coastal hazard exposure, vulnerability and risk; and identify key action areas to minimize North Shore risk and promote community adaptability and resiliency to coastal flooding impacts. Being mindful of the complex nature of sea level rise and the need for multiple resources and champions to ensure the success of adaptation measures, the proposed climate adaptation planning process will consider a range of community values and involve meaningful engagement across municipal departments, with neighbouring jurisdictions, key stakeholders and citizen groups. The resulting North Shore Sea Level Rise Risk Assessment and Adaptive Management Strategy will facilitate opportunities for joint-partnership on implementation and effective integration of actions into asset management and maintenance programs, community planning policies, long range funding plans, and emergency management strategies. A recommended framework for monitoring progress on actions to reduce flood risk and build community resilience over time, will also be developed.
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