SAH - Valemount Cares – Net Zero Ready Seniors’ Supportive Living

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - SAH
Sector Energy
Project value$235,500
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Building – New – with Renewable energy
Grant amount$117,750
Program type GMF
Municipality Village of Valemount, BC
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 1,052
Project timeline 2021 - 2022
Project number 17779


The Valemount Senior Citizens Housing Society (est. 1978) owns and operates a senior housing facility in Valemount, British Columbia. This study will contribute towards filling a widening gap in access to affordable energy efficiency housing for seniors who want to remain in the community and close to their families. This study would add 16 units to the organization’s portfolio. The study will assess various construction methods and energy-efficient features, including renewable energy generation, to reach 80 kWh/m2. More precisely, the study will assess various construction methods and energy-efficient features, such as site layout to maximize sun orientation, a high-performance building envelope with glazing insulation to minimize thermal bridging, efficient mechanical and electrical systems,  passive ventilation techniques, LED lighting and occupancy lighting sensors, low-flow faucets, showerheads, and toilets. Moreover, the applicant wants to exceed the original expectations by using earth tubes for  preheating and cooling, a rainwater barrel collection system for water conservation, solar tubes for biophilia objective, and preliminary solar panels not considered in the original application. Finally, the applicant will  explore additional environmental benefits such as a greenhouse and the inclusion of community gardens, tenant education, individual metering to minimize consumption as well as dedicated charging spots for
electrical vehicles. Additionally, the study will investigate multiple forms of on-site renewable energy generation including geothermal, solar, and solar hot water to reduce the overall energy load of the building.  Furthermore, the applicant is planning to incorporate a thorough social benefits monitoring plan that will include tenants' surveys to evaluate thermal comfort, indoor air quality, and building acoustics, as well as  tenant education opportunities such as energy feedback monitors in common spaces.  Innovative aspect(s):  · The proposed building will utilize the Biophilic design concept and will incorporate elements such as natural lighting and ventilation and natural landscape features to promote a healthier environment for seniors   · The proposed project will be one of the first supportive living seniors’ housing development in Valemount
Replicability:  · The units will follow a modular design to be easily replicated on-site or for other future projects.   · The design and best practices will be shared through partners such as BC Housing, CMHC, Community Housing Transformation Centre, Columbia Basin Trust, and the municipality in other developments.   Affordability:   As part of their operating agreement with BC Housing, the building will have a mix of rents within the building, including affordable market (30% of units), rent-geared-to-income (50% of units), and Deep Subsidy Units (20% of units). This unit mix exceeds SAH’s affordability thresholds


Valemount Senior Citizens Housing Society, BC