Promotion of reuse by the RCM of La Rivière-du-Nord in new-generation

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Capital Project
Sector Waste
Project value$12,368,400
Project Type Capital Project
Sub Sector Waste Management
Grant amount$1,192,600
Program type GMF
Municipality MRC de La Rivière-du-Nord, QC
Loan amount$7,950,300
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 140,394
Project timeline 2020 - 2023
Project number 16742


The Regional County Municipality (RCM) of La Rivière-du-Nord would like to develop better waste management practices, mainly by significantly reducing the amount of waste sent to landfill and by diverting the materials within its territory. The RCM currently manages four eco-centres that recover 900 tonnes of waste per year, and that accept only materials that are fit to be resold. This project will allow the RCM to build new infrastructure, including a reuse store, a new energy-efficient eco-centre in Saint-Jérôme and a renovated eco-centre in Saint-Hippolyte, and to process construction, renovation and demolition (CRD) waste as well as non reusable bulky waste. In addition, the network will have the ability to receive industrial, commercial and institutional (ICI) waste and waste from small contractors. This recycling service offer is also aligned with the objectives of the Québec Policy on Residual Materials and will make it possible to increase revenues. Innovative aspect • Potential to be replicated by municipalities in Quebec and across Canada, near urban centres Environmental benefits • Increase in the amount of materials diverted through reuse and recycling at the eco-centres, from 900 tonnes to more than 9,000 tonnes per year • Increase in the recovery rate, from 60 to 66% • Retention of rainwater to reduce suspended materials by 43% • Energy savings of 25%, representing 478 gigajoules (GJ) per year Economic benefits • Operational optimization – operating cost savings, from $991/tonne in 2019 to $226/tonne in 2021 • Diversification of revenue sources with the contribution of the ICI, contractor and retail sectors Social benefits • Creation of new jobs on the RCM’s territory • Access to local materials at affordable prices for citizens (Project description from original funding application)


MRC de La Rivière-du-Nord, QC