Plan de lutte contre les îlots de chaleur et le ruissellement - Ville de Beloeil

Type of initiative
Sector Climate Change Adaptation
Project value$71,900
Project Type Plan
Grant amount$57,517
Program type MCIP
Municipality ,
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 0
Project timeline 2018 - 2019
Project number 15588


This plan aims to conceptualize four types of green infrastructure developments with the twofold purpose of controlling urban heat and improving runoff management. This plan analyzes climate change needs and challenges related to the urban area of Belœil. Its goal is to identify the best actions to be carried out in particularly sensitive areas of the area. This plan will enable the city to: • Acquire a clear, simple, and concrete greening strategy to reduce ambient heat and alleviate runoff management problems• Be better equipped to facilitate the implementation of specific projects by adopting green infrastructure development plans• Understand the best strategies to implicate the area’s citizens, businesses, and industriesThe completion of this project is essential to achieving the ambitious objectives set out in the City of Belœil’s environmental policy and strategy plan which include a 35% increase in canopy cover over 10 years. The plan will also identify solutions that will help achieve overflow offset targets set by the MDDELCC.The implementation of these green developments comes with a number of additional objectives: • Environmental: Air filtration and removal of airborne contaminants, carbon sequestration, creation of habitat for urban wildlife• Social: Increased availability of public gathering places, micro-spaces and urban parks, increased comfort through ambient temperature regulation, improved health, and promotion of active transportation• Economic: Reduced water treatment costs, increased traffic to commercial sites
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