ARDN’s affordable housing retrofit in Edmonton

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - SAH
Sector Energy
Project value$30,000
Project Type Plan
Sub Sector Building – Existing – Energy efficiency
Grant amount$24,000
Program type GMF
Municipality City of Edmonton, AB
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 1,010,899
Project timeline 2020 - 2021
Project number 17068


The Alberta Rural Development Network (ARDN) plans to renovate an existing building space into a mixed-market unit complex with office space. ARDN will use the office space and the housing units would be split between affordable and market rental units. ARDN will consider renting some of the market units to its employees, both to ensure occupancy and consistent, accessible ARDN support for tenants. ARDN’s own research on the psychology of aesthetics will inform the project, with a focus on promoting the quality of living space both from a technical and aesthetic perspective.

ARDN has narrowed down the potential buildings to two sites in Edmonton’s Alberta Avenue and Prince Rupert neighbourhoods. For the renovation, ARDN plans to improve energy efficiency by a minimum of 25% and will aim for a net-zero energy ready (NZER) standard if it is financially feasible to do so. Planned energy-efficiency measures include a highly insulated building envelope, power generation from solar or geothermal energy sources, triple-pane windows, and LED lighting with sensors.

This plan application will lay the groundwork to inform financial feasibility, conduct community consultations, create a business case, hire an inspector and architect to evaluate the property, and assess different approaches for exceeding the minimum 25% improvement in energy efficiency. The funding will also support three focus groups and a large community meeting to develop a community engagement report. ARDN’s next steps include applying for SAH study and/or retrofit Capital Project funding as well as CMHC seed and/or Co-Investment funding to develop and complete the project.

Innovative aspect(s):

  • This project would be the first time ARDN retains ownership and operation of a development
  • Market-rent units may be rented by ARDN staff to allow for 24/7 services to residents


ARDN’s significant experience in the affordable housing realm positions it well for partnerships, collaboration or independent developments across the province.


ARDN will prioritize affordable units and intends to include as many as financially feasible while also meeting GMF’s eligibility criteria.


Rural Development Network (RDN), AB