Oakville's Energy and Resiliency Plan (OERP)

Type of initiative
Sector Energy
Project value$261,576
Project Type Plan
Grant amount$125,000
Program type MCIP
Municipality ,
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 0
Project timeline 2017 - 2020
Project number 15476


The Town of Oakville is proposing a community energy plan that considers the inter-related components of climate change mitigation and resiliency in the context of energy.This plan, called the Oakville's Energy and Resiliency Plan (OERP), will act as a road map for the Oakville community in achieving its (draft) energy and emissions vision of "... a diverse and secure energy supply supporting economic prosperity and climate change mitigation and adaptation, delivered through community commitment." The scope of OERP will emphasize GHG emission reductions through planning of all forms of energy generation, distribution and demand management as it pertains to transportation, buildings and industrial consumption. While OERP will leverage stakeholder input to crystallize short, medium and long term GHG emissions reductions targets, it will align with aspirational targets set through the Corporate Conservation and Demand Management Plan 2014-2019(CDMP). The CDMP establishes a target to reduce energy reduction by 80% from 2012 by 2050. The scale of targets in OERP will reflect the CDMP as well as take into account the province's GHG reduction targets established through Ontario's Climate Change Action Plan. Examples of projects that may be considered within the scope of OERP include, but are not limited to, district energy systems, compact community development, electrification of transportation and transit, distributed energy generation, integration of smart grid technology and deep energy retrofits in residential properties.The Environmental Policy team at the town will coordinate and project manage the consultant team to ensure all pre-established workplans, milestone deadlines, and budgets adhere to the high quality standards and scope set out by the town. The implementation progress and milestone completion will be reported to the town's senior staff. The team will collaborate with over 25 stakeholders to conduct full public consultations. The stakeholder groups will report back and work with the town.
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