SAH- The Working Centre study of a new 38-unit Net Zero Energy Ready affordable housing project in Waterloo, Ontario.

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - SAH
Sector Energy
Project value$508,175
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Building – New – with Renewable energy
Grant amount$175,000
Program type GMF
Municipality Regional Municipality of Waterloo, ON
Status In Progress
Population 630,000
Project timeline 2022 -
Project number 18286


For the past 25 years, the Working Centre (TWC) has provided deeply affordable housing projects in Waterloo, Ontario. The intent of this study is to add 38 affordable units to the organization’s portfolio to support people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in the region. TWC aims to create a net-zero energy ready (NZER) affordable building. Several design features that will be explored include window performance, lighting power density, fan power, geothermal heat pumps and solar panels. Moreover, energy consultants will complete simulations of the different mechanical systems under consideration and will report on energy use, energy cost, and GHG emissions for all the different options. The SAH Study Grant will support the applicant in hiring consultants to complete the appropriate environmental site assessment, energy modelling, architectural and structural design and life cycle cost analysis. Results from this study will support the organization in accessing additional funding from FCM for their capital project.  
Innovative aspect(s):  The study seeks to explore the possibility of incorporating both solar PV and geothermal into an affordable housing project. Such project is innovative in the affordable housing sector and could result in significant performance improvements over currently available alternatives.  Replicability:  The Region of Waterloo’s Housing Services Department will partner with TWC to utilize this affordable housing project to create best practices to stack funding incentives and forgiveness of development charges for other affordable housing projects. These newly developed best practices will be shared with all non-profit housing providers in the Region.
Affordability: •  This project seeks to deliver deep housing affordability with rents set at disability and welfare rates for the Province of Ontario.  • TWC aims to provide housing to disadvantaged persons from all backgrounds by offering 25 units at 45% of MMR and 13 units at 35% of MMR.  (Project Description from original funding application)


K-W Working Centre for the Unemployed, ON