Developing Ecologically Sustainable Landscapes in the Northern City of Prince George, BC

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Multi-sector (Plans)
Project value$1,298,236
Project Type Pilot Project
Sub Sector Sustainable Neighbourhoods
Grant amount$216,970
Program type GMF
Municipality City of Prince George, BC
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 76,708
Project timeline 2007 - 2011
Project number 7117


This field test seeks to demonstrate that ecologically sound landscaping can be undertaken in a northern ecosystem and a resource-dependant community. To develop a long term master plan for sustainable landscaping in the City of Prince George, approximately 30 acres of highly visible City properties will be converted into sustainable landscaping test plots and demonstration sites. The planting combinations that provide the greatest net ecological benefits will be examined, as well as environmentally sustainable systems for weed control. A goal of the study is to increase public awareness of, interest in, and acceptance of ecologically sound landscaping. The final report will quantify reductions in herbicide, pesticide, fungicide, water use and air pollution. It will include implications for City finances and economic development activities and highlight general public health benefits. A project website has been constructed for both internal and external use ( at which project participants and the public can stay current on project activities. It is expected that this field test study will benefit most Canadian municipalities faced with short growing seasons, limited maintenance resources, spring salt deposits and pressure to eliminate pesticides.


University of Northern British Columbia, BC