Toronto Resilience Strategy

Type of initiative
Sector Climate Change Adaptation
Project value$213,500
Project Type Plan
Grant amount$170,800
Program type MCIP
Municipality ,
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 0
Project timeline 2018 - 2019
Project number 15439


As part of the Global 100 Resilient Cities (100RC) initiative, the City of Toronto will produce a Resilience Strategy to provide in-depth analysis of Toronto's vulnerability to climate change impacts and a clear action plan for improving climate, social, and economic resilience. The aim of the Resilience Strategy is to significantly reduce the impacts of shocks (blizzards) or stresses (extremes in hot/cold days) on Torontonians especially the most vulnerable groups within the City. Threats from climate change impacts such as urban flooding, extreme heat/cold, and blizzards were identified as part of the 100RC process through an 'Agenda Setting Workshop' and the development of the Preliminary Resilience Assessment (PRA). The project will ensure that climate change adaptation is thoroughly analysed and properly addressed with a focus on flooding prevention and protection within the Resilience Strategy.Climate adaptation is one of three workstreams within the Strategy. Together with inclusive growth (social) and industry/businesses emergency preparedness (economic) the Strategy will deliver a triple bottom line for Torontonians. The Strategy will identify and scope new initiatives which will significantly reduce climate vulnerability in Toronto by working with Energy and Environment Division (EED) and the Office of Emergency Management (OEM). Initiatives which may be considered include:• Drawing on expertise and experience from the 100RC international network, Toronto may start an initiative to integrate climate change adaptation as a 'centre of government' priority, integrating it into all city departments. For example, considering how to integrate climate adaptation into asset management through the Financial Planning division, aligning with the new Provincial asset management requirements. • In 2017 the Toronto Islands and Waterfront Parks were flooded. Working with the partners at the Toronto Region Conservation Authority, the City may examine a long term action plan to build climate resilience along the waterfront. This work will deliver significant environmental benefits through the preservation of protected areas such as the Scarborough Bluffs and Gibraltar Point, which are currently at risk of considerable erosion.• Flood protection at the Household level, to improve homeowners and tenants' understanding of their own risks, and incentive changes in behaviour. Building on pilot projects from the partners at the Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation, the City may scale up initiatives to help homeowners protect their basements from flooding.The Resilience Strategy will include a comprehensive engagement and participation plan, which will reflect Toronto's diversity. The adaptation workstream, funded in part by MCIP, will be guided by that overall engagement plan. Through the course of the adaptation work, specifically Phase 3, the City will also engage with the technical/expert climate change community in Toronto and as relevant internationally. The Strategy is a whole-of-government priority that runs from the City Manager’s Office with approval from Toronto City Council. The process will require extensive consultation internally and throughout the community. Internally, the consultant(s) will work across all City divisions, with a focus on EED, OEM, Toronto Water, City Planning, and Transportation Services. The Province has also indicated a strong willingness to collaborate on climate change initiatives within the strategy, through both the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MOECC) and the Cabinet Office. The Strategy is a priority which will be considered by City Council in early 2019.
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