Recommissioning city buildings in Kingston

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - CBR
Sector Energy
Project value$91,200
Project Type Recommissioning Project (EBCx)
Sub Sector Building – Existing – Energy efficiency
Grant amount$54,720
Program type GMF
Municipality City of Kingston, ON
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 132,485
Project timeline 2021 - 2022
Project number 17924


The City of Kingston has identified 18 municipal facilities to be recommissioned or retro-commissioned, including recreational complexes, pools, arenas, arts and cultural facilities, and administration sites. These buildings are among the highest energy-consuming and greenhouse gas–emitting assets in the city’s portfolio, accounting for more than 4,100 tonnes of CO2e annually. Through this program, the city aims to bring the facilities’ mechanical, electrical, and building-envelope systems back to peak operating condition.

Some of the facilities have never been commissioned, and the spaces and their associated needs have changed significantly since initial construction. These changes have resulted in increased utility costs and decreased occupant comfort. In addition to maximizing the current lifecycle of these assets, the city wants to ensure that indoor air quality is safe for facility users and staff given the enduring impact of COVID-19.

This project represents the first phase of a multi-phased approach that the city plans to undertake. The second phase, which is part of a separate scope of work from this application, will include retaining consultants to create in-depth energy audit reports to identify measures that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 80% by 2040. Combining both programs will ensure that the facilities run as efficiently as possible while creating a roadmap to net zero. This aligns with City Council’s priorities to reduce emissions by 15% by 2022, leading Kingston into a more environmentally friendly future and aiming for net-zero energy by 2040.

Innovative aspect(s):

  • This will be the first time for several of the city’s facilities to be commissioned


  • The city will use a robust work order and preventative maintenance system for trade staff, and new systems will be included in this process to continuously commission facilities.
  • Building operators and on-site staff are being included in the recommissioning process from day one, as they are the primary stakeholders in this project and will be empowered to maintain the facilities


City of Kingston, ON

Download the project's final report
